Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Obsessed :o

I finished my most recent drama lastnight! I was going to leave the last tasty morsal for today...but obviously I have no self control. It was one of the only shows that has ever made me cry. There was a part where the main character had a crazy emotional moment between him and his mother. It really felt the same as what I go through with my dad... so congrats Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge you have done the near impossible. Hall of famer right chere ya'll. lol.

 At the moment I'm watching Natsyume Yuujinchou. It reminds me a lot of Miyazaki movies. Super cute and an awesome nod to ancient japanese culture and its spiritual beliefs. I love that there are Kami Sama's of all different things. Talents, rain, music, earth, trees, and both the good and the bad, just as an example. I loved going to different temples and shrines when I visited Nippon. This picture was at a temple park...well thats basically how I would put it. There was a ton! of different shrines here.

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