Monday, November 14, 2011

Konnichiwa! Genki desu ka?

Well Well... I never thought that I would ever find inspiration to start a blog of any sort, but a certain fire has been started in my heart! When I heard that the Japanese government approved the plan to give out thousands of free tickets to help their tourist industry I knew that I had to do my best to get one. I honestly am not sure when my love for all things Japanese started. I would probably have to credit it to my close family friends. The Otoo-san served an LDS mission there and later worked there and took his Oku-san with him. They even had their first two girls there! The second eldest daughter really got me into such things as Manga and Anime. It is basically through her that the rest of my friends also were brought into it... only difference is that i decided to take it a step further... I am now studying Japanese and trying to pursue my dreams! Only problem is trying to take each strand of my many dreams and find a way to intricatly weave them into a pattern that will be my life. Each strand is so strong and beautiful though. I have great hopes that my life will also be strong and beautiful!

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